WP2 - To build user friendly input tools for data structuration

WP leader H. Guillemin, PLASTIC

Objectives: to clarify what should be improved in existing input tools for data entry (Samparl, PROPiCE, @Web editor), to implement these improvements; to validate by users.

Our main interface for data entry in BaGaTel currently available is Samparl. It completely matches BaGaTel requirements and allows entering all the data related to food transformation processes and products guided by a target PO² domain ontology such as PO²DG. But according to current users, data entry is time-consuming, non-intuitive for new users and not adapted to enter data as long as experiments are running.

Task 2.1. To develop user friendly data entry tools (PLASTIC, IATE, SayFood, STLO, CSGA)

Objective 1

To assess data structuration and management costs


New users chosen among research communities at SayFood, CSGA, IATE and STLO will be asked to enter data (Samparl, PROPiCE, @Web Editor) and they will have to qualify/quantify the following criteria: easiness of handling, time necessary to enter one dataset, match between their need and the service offered by the tool

To write requirement specifications for data entry depending on the type of utilisation (data entry dedicated to LCA assessment, data entry during experiment running…)

Objective 2

To develop user-friendly data entry tools


To simplify existing tools (Samparl, Means-InOut through PROPiCE module, @Web Editor) with regards to user needs defined in objective 1


(M24) Updated tools to simplify data entry for users

Task 2.2. To train users and assess simplified data entry tools (iterative process with T2.1) (IATE, SayFood, STLO, CSGA)

Objective 1

To train users


To develop tutorials and/or webinars to train users to use simplified data entry tools

Objective 2

To assess simplified data entry tools


New users chosen among research communities will be asked to enter data about production process of industrial dairy protein powder and product composition and properties with the simplified tools and they will have to qualify/quantify the following criteria: easiness of handling, time necessary to enter one dataset, match between their need and the service offered by the tool

To compare these results with those obtained in T2.1.


(M15) One video tutorial and one webinar to train and assess data entry tools

(M24) Datasets about production of industrial dairy protein powder in the required BaGaTel format