
DataSusFood involves 8 teams, among them 2 platforms and 6 research units.


MEANS platform, hosted by SAS (INRAE), provides the scientific community with comprehensive and modular software for multi-criteria assessment of agricultural and agri-food systems.

J. Auberger is an engineer in agronomy and environmental science, working since 2012 for the development of MEANS-InOut by linking users needs, farming modelling and the IT team. C. Malnoë is an engineer in computer science, she is the manager of the IT team of MEANS platform since 2015.

In DataSusFood project, MEANS will develop the MEANS-InOut modules allowing interoperability with BaGaTel (T1.1) in collaboration with PLASTIC and MIA-Paris, as well as with users (T1.2); will lead WP1.

PLASTIC software platform (INRAE)

PLASTIC platform, hosted by SayFood aims at pooling, evaluating and centralising the distribution of software, tools and methods developed within the TRANSFORM Division of INRAE. PLASTIC hosts the BaGaTel database and @Web application.

H. Guillemin and M. Rakotoson are computer research engineers, they have developed Samparl and PROPiCE, respectively.

In DataSusFood project, PLASTIC will work in close collaboration with MEANS for the development of interoperability between MEANS and BaGaTel (T1.1 and 1.2); will develop adequate user-friendly modules (on the basis of Samparl, PROPiCE) for data entry (T2.1); will develop software functionality to export BaGaTel data and metadata to INRAE dataverse (T3.1); will lead WP2.

MIA-Paris (AgroParisTech, INRAE)

MIA-Paris has expertise in modeling, statistical learning and computer science for biology, ecology, agronomy and food sciences.

L. Ibanescu is an associate professor, expert in ontologies and Semantic Web to represent and integrate knowledge and data, and S. Dervaux is an engineer expert in Semantic Web Technologies. They are involved in the @Web software development in close collaboration with IATE and in data representation and integration (PO²-BaGaTel) since 2012 in partnership with CSGA and SayFood.

In DataSusFood project, MIA-Paris will build PO²LCA domain ontology (T1.1); will develop query tools with IATE (T3.2).

IATE (INRAE, CIRAD, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier Supagro)

IATE has a unique expertise on the development of ontologies, data integration from heterogeneous sources and multicriteria decision support tools.

P. Buche is a research engineer in computer science, he is the head of the Knowledge Engineering group. J. Cufi is a software engineer in computer science with expertise in Web technology including Semantic Web.

In DataSusFood project, IATE will transform @Web data into BaGaTel Excel format on the packaging use case (T1.1) and validate interoperability tools on the packaging use case (T1.2); will test existing data entry tools (T2.1), adapt @Web Editor (T2.1) to user needs and test simplified data entry tools on packaging use case (T2.2); will develop query tools with MIA-Paris (T3.2); will lead WP3.

SayFood (INRAE, AgroParisTech)

SayFood carries out research in the field of process engineering of agricultural, food and biological products.

C. Pénicaud is a researcher in eco-design of food, bioproducts and bio-process with expertise in environmental assessment. She is involved since 2012 in data structuration (PO²-BaGaTel) in partnership with CSGA, MIA-Paris and PLASTIC through five projects, among which NutriSensAl (ANR-ICQualiment 2018-2019) she coordinated with E. Guichard (CSGA).

In DataSusFood project, SayFood will assess data structuration and management costs of existing data entry tools (T2.1) and develop tutorials and/or webinars to train users to use simplified data entry tools (T2.2); will version BaGaTel cheese data on INRAE dataverse (T3.1) and deliver data to validate the tools (T3.3); will coordinate the project (WP4).

STLO (INRAE, Agrocampus Ouest)

STLO is the largest unit at INRA with skills and expertise in processing, biochemistry, physics, chemistry, and microbiology of dairy products.

G. Gésan-Guiziou is a researcher in fractionation and concentration processes and in eco-design. She leads a group on membrane processes in the dairy sector.

In DataSusFood project, STLO will validate interoperability tools on the production of industrial dairy protein powder use case (T1.2); will test existing (T2.1) and simplified data entry tools on the dairy protein powder use case (T2.2); will version BaGaTel dairy protein powder data on INRAE dataverse (T3.1) and deliver the data to validate the tools (T3.3).


CSGA aims at understanding the physicochemical, biological and psychological mechanisms surrounding sensory perception and eating behaviour throughout life.

E. Guichard is a researcher in food science more specialised in the relationships between food process, food composition and structure and food quality. She is involved in data structuration (PO²-BaGaTel) since 2012 in collaboration with SayFood, MIA and PLASTIC.

In DataSusFood project, CSGA will assess data structuration and management costs of existing data entry tools (T2.1) and develop tutorials and/or webinars to train users to use simplified data entry tools (T2.2); will version BaGaTel data on INRAE dataverse (T3.1) and deliver data to validate the tools (T3.3).


BIA is the largest  research unit of the TRANSFORM division at INRAE. The unit focuses its research on biopolymers for the sustainable transformation of agricultural resources and plant biomass.

M. Weber is an information and communication technology engineer in charge of developing knowledge engineering projects using ontologies and associated vocabularies.

In DataSusFood project, BIA will contribute to the development of ontologies and vocabularies for data interoperability between PO2-BaGaTel and @Web (T1.1, T1.2) in collaboration with SayFood, IATE, CSGA, STLO and MIA-Paris.